Albany Law School |
Albany |
NY |
740 |
American University |
Washington |
DC |
10776 |
Appalachian School of Law |
Grundy |
VA |
372 |
Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus |
Tempe |
AZ |
44126 |
Barry University |
Miami |
FL |
8650 |
Baylor University |
Waco |
TX |
13719 |
Boston College |
Chestnut Hill |
MA |
15240 |
Boston University |
Boston |
MA |
28318 |
Brigham Young University |
Provo |
UT |
32554 |
Brooklyn Law School |
Brooklyn |
NY |
1499 |
California Western School of Law |
San Diego |
CA |
760 |
Campbell University Inc |
Buies Creek |
NC |
5880 |
Capital University |
Columbus |
OH |
3899 |
Case Western Reserve University |
Cleveland |
OH |
9304 |
Catholic University of America |
Washington |
DC |
5493 |
Chapman University |
Orange |
CA |
4353 |
Cleveland State University |
Cleveland |
OH |
15294 |
College of William and Mary |
Williamsburg |
VA |
7530 |
Columbia University in the City of New York |
New York |
NY |
19639 |
Cornell University |
Ithaca |
NY |
12043 |
Creighton University |
Omaha |
NE |
6237 |
Cuny School of Law at Queens College |
Flushing |
NY |
383 |
Depaul University |
Chicago |
IL |
20548 |
Dickinson School of Law |
Carlisle |
PA |
544 |
Drake University |
Des Moines |
IA |
5126 |
Duke University |
Durham |
NC |
12192 |
Duquesne University |
Pittsburgh |
PA |
9667 |
Emory University |
Atlanta |
GA |
11398 |
Empire College School of Law |
Santa Rosa |
CA |
No Data |
Faulkner University |
Montgomery |
AL |
2704 |
Florida Coastal School of Law |
Jacksonville |
FL |
454 |
Florida State University |
Tallahassee |
FL |
33971 |
Fordham University |
Bronx |
NY |
13650 |
Franklin Pierce Law Center |
Concord |
NH |
466 |
George Mason University |
Fairfax |
VA |
23408 |
George Washington University |
Washington |
DC |
20527 |
Georgetown University |
Washington |
DC |
12427 |
Georgia State University |
Atlanta |
GA |
23625 |
Gonzaga University |
Spokane |
WA |
4548 |
Hamline University |
Saint Paul |
MN |
3408 |
Harvard University |
Cambridge |
MA |
24279 |
Hofstra University |
Hempstead |
NY |
13144 |
Howard University |
Washington |
DC |
10010 |
Humphreys College - Stockton |
Stockton |
CA |
593 |
Illinois Institute of Technology |
Chicago |
IL |
6003 |
Indiana University - Bloomington |
Bloomington |
IN |
37076 |
Indiana University - Purdue University - Indianapolis |
Indianapolis |
IN |
27525 |
John F Kennedy University |
Pleasant Hill |
CA |
1567 |
John Marshall Law School |
Atlanta |
GA |
150 |
Lewis & Clark College |
Portland |
OR |
3018 |
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College |
Baton Rouge |
LA |
31527 |
Loyola University Chicago |
Chicago |
IL |
12605 |
Loyola University New Orleans |
New Orleans |
LA |
5279 |
Marquette University |
Milwaukee |
WI |
10892 |
Massachusetts School of Law |
Andover |
MA |
441 |
Mercer University |
Macon |
GA |
6908 |
Michigan State University College of Law |
East Lansing |
MI |
703 |
Mississippi College |
Clinton |
MS |
3423 |
New College of California |
San Francisco |
CA |
527 |
New England School of Law |
Boston |
MA |
981 |
New York Law School |
New York |
NY |
1374 |
New York University |
New York |
NY |
37150 |
North Carolina Central University |
Durham |
NC |
5476 |
Northeastern University |
Boston |
MA |
23897 |
Northern Illinois University |
Dekalb |
IL |
23248 |
Northern Kentucky University |
Highland Heights |
KY |
12080 |
Northwestern University |
Evanston |
IL |
16952 |
Nova Southeastern University |
Fort Lauderdale |
FL |
18587 |
Ohio Northern University |
Ada |
OH |
3227 |
Ohio State University - Main Campus |
Columbus |
OH |
47952 |
Oklahoma City University |
Oklahoma City |
OK |
3878 |
Pace University - White Plains |
White Plains |
NY |
1940 |
Pepperdine University |
Malibu |
CA |
7476 |
Quinnipiac University |
Hamden |
CT |
6477 |
Regent University |
Virginia Beach |
VA |
2449 |
Roger Williams University School of Law |
Bristol |
RI |
365 |
Rutgers University - Camden |
Camden |
NJ |
5136 |
Rutgers University - Newark |
Newark |
NJ |
9352 |
Saint Louis University - Main Campus |
Saint Louis |
MO |
13847 |
Saint Thomas University |
Miami Gardens |
FL |
2295 |
Samford University |
Birmingham |
AL |
4379 |
San Joaquin College of Law |
Clovis |
CA |
204 |
Santa Clara University |
Santa Clara |
CA |
7356 |
Seattle University |
Seattle |
WA |
5852 |
Seton Hall University |
South Orange |
NJ |
9920 |
South Texas College of Law |
Houston |
TX |
1231 |
Southern California University for Prof Studies |
Santa Ana |
CA |
672 |
Southern Illinois University Carbondale |
Carbondale |
IL |
22552 |
Southern Methodist University |
Dallas |
TX |
10064 |
Southern New England School of Law |
North Dartmouth |
MA |
151 |
Southern University and A & M College |
Baton Rouge |
LA |
9449 |
Southwestern University School of Law |
Los Angeles |
CA |
837 |
St Marys University |
San Antonio |
TX |
4137 |
St. Johns University - New York |
Queens |
NY |
18621 |
Stanford University |
Stanford |
CA |
18549 |
Stetson University |
Deland |
FL |
3199 |
Suffolk University |
Boston |
MA |
6908 |
Suny at Buffalo |
Buffalo |
NY |
24830 |
Syracuse University |
Syracuse |
NY |
18186 |
Temple University |
Philadelphia |
PA |
28355 |