Allegheny College |
Meadville |
PA |
1904 |
Amherst College |
Amherst |
MA |
1695 |
Bates College |
Lewiston |
ME |
1694 |
Baylor College of Medicine |
Houston |
TX |
1192 |
Boston University |
Boston |
MA |
28318 |
Bowdoin College |
Brunswick |
ME |
1609 |
Brandeis University |
Waltham |
MA |
4774 |
Brown University |
Providence |
RI |
7723 |
Bryn Mawr College |
Bryn Mawr |
PA |
1784 |
California Institute of Technology |
Pasadena |
CA |
1968 |
Carleton College |
Northfield |
MN |
1936 |
Chatham College |
Pittsburgh |
PA |
1002 |
Colgate University |
Hamilton |
NY |
2820 |
Colorado College |
Colorado Springs |
CO |
1942 |
Connecticut College |
New London |
CT |
1856 |
Cornell University |
Ithaca |
NY |
12043 |
Cornell University - NY State Statutory Colleges |
Ithaca |
NY |
8083 |
Cornell University Medical College |
New York |
NY |
717 |
Drew University |
Madison |
NJ |
2412 |
Duke University |
Durham |
NC |
12192 |
Emory University |
Atlanta |
GA |
11398 |
Fairfield University |
Fairfield |
CT |
5188 |
Florida State University |
Tallahassee |
FL |
33971 |
George Washington University |
Washington |
DC |
20527 |
Georgetown University |
Washington |
DC |
12427 |
Hamilton College |
Clinton |
NY |
1765 |
Indiana University - Bloomington |
Bloomington |
IN |
37076 |
Iowa State University |
Ames |
IA |
26845 |
Johns Hopkins University |
Baltimore |
MD |
17774 |
Kent State University - Kent Campus |
Kent |
OH |
21924 |
Kenyon College |
Gambier |
OH |
1599 |
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center at New Orleans |
New Orleans |
LA |
2720 |
Loyola University Chicago |
Chicago |
IL |
12605 |
Macalester College |
Saint Paul |
MN |
1794 |
Marquette University |
Milwaukee |
WI |
10892 |
Mayo Graduate School |
Rochester |
MN |
246 |
Mcp Hahnemann University |
Philadelphia |
PA |
2500 |
Michigan State University |
East Lansing |
MI |
43366 |
Mount Holyoke College |
South Hadley |
MA |
2069 |
Muskingum College |
New Concord |
OH |
1830 |
New York University |
New York |
NY |
37150 |
Northeastern University |
Boston |
MA |
23897 |
Northwestern University |
Evanston |
IL |
16952 |
Oberlin College |
Oberlin |
OH |
2928 |
Ohio Wesleyan University |
Delaware |
OH |
1880 |
Pennsylvania State University - College of Medicine |
Hershey |
PA |
644 |
Pitzer College |
Claremont |
CA |
924 |
Pomona College |
Claremont |
CA |
1574 |
Regis University |
Denver |
CO |
9129 |
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science |
North Chicago |
IL |
1360 |
Rutgers University - Newark |
Newark |
NJ |
9352 |
Saint Louis University - Main Campus |
Saint Louis |
MO |
13847 |
Scripps College |
Claremont |
CA |
800 |
Smith College |
Northampton |
MA |
3113 |
Stanford University |
Stanford |
CA |
18549 |
Stony Brook University |
Stony Brook |
NY |
19924 |
Suny Health Science Center at Brooklyn |
Brooklyn |
NY |
1470 |
Suny Health Science Center at Syracuse |
Syracuse |
NY |
1096 |
Syracuse University |
Syracuse |
NY |
18186 |
Texas Christian University |
Fort Worth |
TX |
7775 |
The University of Texas at Austin |
Austin |
TX |
49996 |
The University of Texas at Dallas |
Richardson |
TX |
10945 |
The University of Texas at San Antonio |
San Antonio |
TX |
18830 |
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston |
Houston |
TX |
3143 |
The University of Texas Medical Branch - Galveston |
Galveston |
TX |
1927 |
The University of Texas Southwest Med Ctr - Dallas |
Dallas |
TX |
1505 |
Trinity College |
Hartford |
CT |
2246 |
Tufts University |
Medford |
MA |
9106 |
Tulane University of Louisiana |
New Orleans |
LA |
11652 |
University of Alabama at Birmingham |
Birmingham |
AL |
14951 |
University of Arizona |
Tucson |
AZ |
34488 |
University of California - Berkeley |
Berkeley |
CA |
31277 |
University of California - Davis |
Davis |
CA |
26094 |
University of California - Los Angeles |
Los Angeles |
CA |
36890 |
University of California - Riverside |
Riverside |
CA |
13015 |
University of California - San Diego |
La Jolla |
CA |
20197 |
University of California - San Francisco |
San Francisco |
CA |
3517 |
University of Chicago |
Chicago |
IL |
12531 |
University of Cincinnati - Main Campus |
Cincinnati |
OH |
27327 |
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center |
Denver |
CO |
2399 |
University of Delaware |
Newark |
DE |
19072 |
University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign |
Champaign |
IL |
38465 |
University of Maryland - College Park |
College Park |
MD |
33189 |
University of Massachusetts - Amherst |
Amherst |
MA |
24416 |
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey |
Newark |
NJ |
4666 |
University of Miami |
Coral Gables |
FL |
13963 |
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Ann Arbor |
MI |
38103 |
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities |
Minneapolis |
MN |
45481 |
University of Pennsylvania |
Philadelphia |
PA |
21853 |
University of Pittsburgh - Main Campus |
Pittsburgh |
PA |
26329 |
University of Rochester |
Rochester |
NY |
8071 |
University of Scranton |
Scranton |
PA |
4615 |
University of Southern California |
Los Angeles |
CA |
29194 |
University of Utah |
Salt Lake City |
UT |
24948 |
University of Virginia - Main Campus |
Charlottesville |
VA |
22411 |
University of Washington - Seattle Campus |
Seattle |
WA |
36139 |
University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Madison |
WI |
40658 |
Vanderbilt University |
Nashville |
TN |
10092 |
Wake Forest University |
Winston Salem |
NC |
6173 |
Washington and Lee University |
Lexington |
VA |
2067 |