Andrews University |
Berrien Springs |
MI |
2749 |
Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus |
Tempe |
AZ |
44126 |
Arkansas State University - Main Campus |
State University |
AR |
10429 |
Brigham Young University |
Provo |
UT |
32554 |
California State Polytechnic University - Pomona |
Pomona |
CA |
18424 |
California State University - Chico |
Chico |
CA |
15912 |
Clemson University |
Clemson |
SC |
17465 |
College of the Siskiyous |
Weed |
CA |
2786 |
Colorado State University |
Fort Collins |
CO |
26807 |
Connecticut College |
New London |
CT |
1856 |
Cornell University |
Ithaca |
NY |
12043 |
Cornell University - NY State Statutory Colleges |
Ithaca |
NY |
8083 |
Dixie State College of Utah |
Saint George |
UT |
6350 |
Duke University |
Durham |
NC |
12192 |
Eastern Illinois University |
Charleston |
IL |
10637 |
Humboldt State University |
Arcata |
CA |
7433 |
Idaho State University |
Pocatello |
ID |
13040 |
Indiana University - Bloomington |
Bloomington |
IN |
37076 |
Iowa State University |
Ames |
IA |
26845 |
Kent State University - Kent Campus |
Kent |
OH |
21924 |
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College |
Baton Rouge |
LA |
31527 |
Mars Hill College |
Mars Hill |
NC |
1219 |
Miami University - Oxford |
Oxford |
OH |
16757 |
Michigan State University |
East Lansing |
MI |
43366 |
North Carolina State University at Raleigh |
Raleigh |
NC |
28619 |
North Dakota State University - Main Campus |
Fargo |
ND |
9902 |
Northern Arizona University |
Flagstaff |
AZ |
19964 |
Northern Michigan University |
Marquette |
MI |
8427 |
Northwest Missouri State University |
Maryville |
MO |
6442 |
Ohio State University - Main Campus |
Columbus |
OH |
47952 |
Ohio University - Main Campus |
Athens |
OH |
19920 |
Ohio Wesleyan University |
Delaware |
OH |
1880 |
Oklahoma State University - Main Campus |
Stillwater |
OK |
18676 |
Oregon State University |
Corvallis |
OR |
16758 |
Purdue University - Main Campus |
West Lafayette |
IN |
39667 |
Rutgers University - New Brunswick/piscataway |
New Brunswick |
NJ |
35236 |
San Jose State University |
San Jose |
CA |
26698 |
Snow College |
Ephraim |
UT |
2999 |
Southern Illinois University Carbondale |
Carbondale |
IL |
22552 |
Texas A & M University |
College Station |
TX |
44026 |
Texas State University - San Marcos |
San Marcos |
TX |
22423 |
The University of Tennessee |
Knoxville |
TN |
25890 |
The University of Texas at Austin |
Austin |
TX |
49996 |
University of Akron Main Campus |
Akron |
OH |
21363 |
University of Arkansas Main Campus |
Fayetteville |
AR |
15346 |
University of California - Riverside |
Riverside |
CA |
13015 |
University of Connecticut |
Storrs |
CT |
19393 |
University of Florida |
Gainesville |
FL |
45114 |
University of Georgia |
Athens |
GA |
31288 |
University of Hawaii at Manoa |
Honolulu |
HI |
17263 |
University of Idaho |
Moscow |
ID |
11635 |
University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign |
Champaign |
IL |
38465 |
University of Iowa |
Iowa City |
IA |
28311 |
University of Kansas Main Campus |
Lawrence |
KS |
25920 |
University of Maine |
Orono |
ME |
10282 |
University of Maryland - College Park |
College Park |
MD |
33189 |
University of Massachusetts - Amherst |
Amherst |
MA |
24416 |
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Ann Arbor |
MI |
38103 |
University of Minnesota - Duluth |
Duluth |
MN |
9087 |
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities |
Minneapolis |
MN |
45481 |
University of Nevada - Las Vegas |
Las Vegas |
NV |
22041 |
University of North Texas |
Denton |
TX |
27054 |
University of Oklahoma Norman Campus |
Norman |
OK |
24205 |
University of Rhode Island |
Kingston |
RI |
14362 |
University of South Florida |
Tampa |
FL |
35561 |
University of Vermont and State Agricultural Coll |
Burlington |
VT |
10118 |
University of Washington - Seattle Campus |
Seattle |
WA |
36139 |
University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Madison |
WI |
40658 |
University of Wyoming |
Laramie |
WY |
11743 |
Washington State University |
Pullman |
WA |
20492 |
Weber State University |
Ogden |
UT |
16050 |
Western New Mexico University |
Silver City |
NM |
2669 |
Western Washington University |
Bellingham |
WA |
12307 |