Parks Recreation And Leisure Facilities

We found 154 schools offering "Parks Recreation And Leisure Facilities" degree programs in the U.S.

>> See all 154 Parks Recreation And Leisure Facilities Colleges in the U.S.

Most Popular Parks Recreation And Leisure Facilities Schools

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Minneapolis, MN  |  Total Enrollment: 45481

Degrees Offered: One but less than two years, Two but less than 4 years, Bachelor's, Postbaccalaureate certificate, Master's, Post-Masters certificate, Doctor's, First-professional degree
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL  |  Total Enrollment: 45114

Degrees Offered: Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's, Post-Masters certificate, Doctor's, First-professional degree, First-professional certificate
Texas A & M University
College Station, TX  |  Total Enrollment: 44026

Degrees Offered: Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor's, First-professional degree
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI  |  Total Enrollment: 43366

Degrees Offered: One but less than two years, Bachelor's, Master's, Post-Masters certificate, Doctor's, First-professional degree
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Madison, WI  |  Total Enrollment: 40658

Degrees Offered: Bachelor's, Postbaccalaureate certificate, Master's, Post-Masters certificate, Doctor's, First-professional degree
Pennsylvania State University - Main Campus
University Park, PA  |  Total Enrollment: 40571

Degrees Offered: Less than one year, One but less than two years, Associate's, Two but less than 4 years, Bachelor's, Postbaccalaureate certificate, Master's, Doctor's
New York University
New York, NY  |  Total Enrollment: 37150

Degrees Offered: Associate's, Two but less than 4 years, Bachelor's, Postbaccalaureate certificate, Master's, Post-Masters certificate, Doctor's, First-professional degree, First-professional certificate
Northern Virginia Community College
Annandale, VA  |  Total Enrollment: 37073

Degrees Offered: Less than one year, One but less than two years, Associate's
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL  |  Total Enrollment: 33971

Degrees Offered: Associate's, Bachelor's, Postbaccalaureate certificate, Master's, Post-Masters certificate, Doctor's, First-professional degree
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT  |  Total Enrollment: 32554

Degrees Offered: Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor's, First-professional degree

Browse All 154 Colleges With Parks Recreation And Leisure Facilities Programs

Title City State Enrollment
Alabama State University Montgomery AL 5269
Alaska Pacific University Anchorage AK 687
Alderson Broaddus College Philippi WV 751
Andrew College Cuthbert GA 329
Anoka Technical College Anoka MN 2046
Appalachian State University Boone NC 13227
Arkansas Tech University Russellville AR 4970
Asbury College Wilmore KY 1359
Auburn University Main Campus Auburn University AL 21860
Aurora University Aurora IL 2391
Bay De Noc Community College Escanaba MI 2073
Bethel College Mishawaka IN 1647
Bluffton University Bluffton OH 1059
Brigham Young University Provo UT 32554
Brigham Young University - Idaho Rexburg ID 8949
Butte College Oroville CA 11542
California University of Pennsylvania California PA 5899
Carthage College Kenosha WI 2222
Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant MI 26845
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania Cheyney PA 1496
Clemson University Clemson SC 17465
Colorado State University Fort Collins CO 26807
Colorado State University - Pueblo Pueblo CO 5531
Columbus State University Columbus GA 5187
Dutchess Community College Poughkeepsie NY 6582
East Carolina University Greenville NC 18750
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania East Stroudsburg PA 5811
Eastern Illinois University Charleston IL 10637
Eastern Kentucky University Richmond KY 13285
Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti MI 23561
Eastern Oklahoma State College Wilburton OK 1946
Elmhurst College Elmhurst IL 2611
Erie Community College - City Campus Buffalo NY 2220
Erie Community College - North Campus Williamsville NY 4665
Erie Community College - South Campus Orchard Park NY 3122
Ferris State University Big Rapids MI 9847
Florida International University Miami FL 31945
Florida Keys Community College Key West FL 1625
Florida State University Tallahassee FL 33971
Georgia Southern University Statesboro GA 14184
Georgia Southwestern State University Americus GA 2622
Georgia State University Atlanta GA 23625
Gogebic Community College Ironwood MI 1106
Grambling State University Grambling LA 4716
Green Mountain College Poultney VT 631
Greenfield Community College Greenfield MA 2277
Henderson State University Arkadelphia AR 3549
Herkimer County Community College Herkimer NY 2591
Illinois State University Normal IL 20755
Indiana Institute of Technology Fort Wayne IN 2293
Indiana State University Terre Haute IN 11051
James H Faulkner State Community College Bay Minette AL 2775
John Brown University Siloam Springs AR 1536
Johnson & Wales University Providence RI 9172
Kansas State University Manhattan KS 21929
Kean University Union NJ 11468
Kent State University - Kent Campus Kent OH 21924
Lake Superior State University Sault Ste Marie MI 3118
Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Lock Haven PA 3948
Lyndon State College Lyndonville VT 1214
Marshall University Huntington WV 15640
Michigan State University East Lansing MI 43366
Middle Tennessee State University Murfreesboro TN 19121
Midland Lutheran College Fremont NE 1025
Midwestern State University Wichita Falls TX 5809
Minnesota State University - Mankato Mankato MN 12842
Minot State University - Bottineau Campus Bottineau ND 450
Missouri Valley College Marshall MO 1549
Missouri Western State University Saint Joseph MO 5089
Mohawk Valley Community College - Utica Branch Utica NY 5092
Montclair State University Montclair NJ 13502
Moraine Valley Community College Palos Hills IL 12972
Morehead State University Morehead KY 8316
Morris College Sumter SC 940
Mt San Antonio College Walnut CA 28329
Mundus Institute Phoenix AZ 38
Murray State University Murray KY 9136
New Mexico Highlands University Las Vegas NM 3275
New York University New York NY 37150
North Carolina A & T State University Greensboro NC 7748
North Carolina Central University Durham NC 5476
North Carolina State University at Raleigh Raleigh NC 28619
North Country Community College Saranac Lake NY 1086
Northern Virginia Community College Annandale VA 37073
Northwest Missouri State University Maryville MO 6442
Oklahoma Baptist University Shawnee OK 2017
Old Dominion University Norfolk VA 18969
Onondaga Community College Syracuse NY 7848
Palomar College San Marcos CA 21062
Paul Smiths College of Arts and Science Paul Smiths NY 760
Pennsylvania State University - Main Campus University Park PA 40571
Prescott College Prescott AZ 904
Rust College Holly Springs MS 853
Saint Josephs College - Suffolk Campus Patchogue NY 3234
Saint Thomas Aquinas College Sparkill NY 2120
Salem International University Salem WV 601
San Joaquin Valley College - Bakersfield Bakersfield CA 742
Sandhills Community College Pinehurst NC 2933
Santa Rosa Junior College Santa Rosa CA 27020
Savannah State University Savannah GA 2166
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