Northwestern College

Saint Paul, MN

Brief Description

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At A Glance

Total undergraduate enrollment: 2081

Total institution enrollment: 2081

School type: 4-year private, not-for-profit

School classification: Baccalaureate Colleges--General: These institutions are primarily undergraduate colleges with major emphasis on baccalaureate programs. They award less than half of their baccalaureate degrees in liberal arts fields.

Campus Location

Main Address

Northwestern College
3003 Snelling Ave N
Saint Paul, MN 551131598


(651) 631-5100


Undergraduate Demographics

Male undergraduate population: 38%

Female undergraduate population: 62%

Undergrad visible minorities: No Data

Majors & Degrees

Degrees Offered: One but less than two years, Associate's, Bachelor's

Accounting And Finance
Art Teacher Education
Athletic Training And Sports Medicine
Bible / Biblical Studies
Biology General
Business Administration And Management
Business Marketing And Marketing Management
Child Growth Care And Development Studies
Communications General
Elementary Teacher Education
English Language And Literature General
English Teacher Education
Finance General
Fine / Studio Arts
Graphic Design Commercial Art And Illustration
History General
Human Resources Management
International Business
Liberal Arts And Sciences / Liberal Studies
Management Information Systems And Business Data
Mathematics Teacher Education
Missions / Missionary Studies
Music General
Music General Performance
Music Teacher Education
Office Supervision And Management
Organizational Behavior Studies
Pastoral Counseling And Specialized Ministery
Physical Education Teaching And Coaching
Pre Theological / Pre Ministerial Studies
Psychology General
Radio And Television Broadcasting
Religious Education
Social Sciences General
Social Studies Teacher Education
Spanish Language And Literature
Sport And Fitness Administration / Management
Teaching English As A Second Language
Theological And Ministerial Studies Other