Brigham Young University

Provo, UT
Brigham Young University

Brief Description

Brigham Young University was founded in 1875 in the city of Provo, Utah. Provo is located 43 miles away from Salt Lake City. According to the 2010 census, Provo is Utah's third largest city with 112,488 people. Provo is the center for training for the LDS (Latter Day Saints). Forbes has rated Provo as one of the 10 best places to live and raise a family. and the city is considered one of the most conservative cities in the country. The economy is service oriented.

Brigham Young University is a private university operated by the LDS church. Approximately 98% of the students are members of the LDS church and are expected to live by the church's honor code. They are also required to spend two years as Mormon Missionairies. The school is divided into 11 academic colleges in the areas of law, liberal arts, engineering, agriculture and management. Most degrees offered are undergrad, but the school does offer 68 master's degrees and 25 doctorates. The school's most prominent undergraduate program comes from the Marriott School of Management which was ranked number five by BusinessWeek.

BYU has 20 varsity athletic programs that play in one of several NCAA Division I conferences depending on the sport. The school's nickname is the Cougars. The renowned football program is officially listed as an independent. The men's football and volleyball teams have had tremendous success over they years and the school has won 14 national titles in various sports.

Due to the influence of the church, campus life is often dictated by the churche's rules. Many students marry while in the school. Activities are family oriented. There are four residential facilities for single people and one for married couple. There are also church sponsored events and clubs to keep the students active.

The alumni include Mitt Romney (former Presidential candidate), Steve Young (NFL Hall of Fame QB), Stephanie Meyer (author of "Twilight" series) and John Heder (actor, Napoleon Dynamite).

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At A Glance

Total undergraduate enrollment: 29688

Total institution enrollment: 32554

School type: 4-year private, not-for-profit

School classification: Doctoral/Research Universities--Extensive: These institutions typically offer a wide range of baccalaureate programs, and they are committed to graduate education through the doctorate. They award 50 or more doctoral degrees per year across at least 15 Disciplines.

Campus Location

Main Address

Brigham Young University
Main Campus
Provo, UT 84602


(801) 422-4636


Undergraduate Demographics

Male undergraduate population: 49%

Female undergraduate population: 51%

Undergrad visible minorities: No Data

Majors & Degrees

Degrees Offered: Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor's, First-professional degree

Accounting And Finance
Adult And Continuing Teacher Education
Advertising And Marketing
African Studies
Agronomy And Crop Science
American Studies / Civilization
Animal Sciences General
Area Ethnic And Cultural Studies Other
Area Studies Other
Art History Criticism And Conservation
Art Teacher Education
Arts And Design
Asian Studies
Audiology / Hearing Sciences
Biology General
Botany General
Building / Property Maintenance And Management
Business / Managerial Economics
Business Administration And Management
Business General
Chemical Engineering
Chemistry General
Chemistry Other
Child Growth Care And Development Studies
Chinese Language And Literature
Civil Engineering General
Classics And Classical Languages And Literature
Clinical Psychology
Clothing / Apparel And Textile Studies
Communications General
Comparative Literature
Computer And Information Sciences General
Computer Engineering Technology / Technician
Counselor Education / Counseling And Guidance
Criminal Justice / Law Enforcement Administration
Design And Visual Communications
Developmental And Child Psychology
Drafting General
Drama / Theater Arts General
Drama And Dance Teacher Education
East And Southeast Asian Languages
Economics General
Education Administration And Supervision
Education General
Education Other
Educational Evaluation And Research
Educational Psychology
Electrical Electronics And Communication
Elementary Teacher Education
Engineering / Industrial Management
Engineering Related Technologies / Technician
English Language And Literature General
English Teacher Education
European Studies
Exercise Sciences / Physiology And Movement
Family And Community Studies
Family And Marriage Counseling
Family Life And Relations Studies
Fashion Design
Fashion Merchandising
Film / Cinema Studies
Fine / Studio Arts
Foods And Nutrition Science
Foods And Nutrition Studies General
Foods And Nutrition Studies Other
Foreign Languages Teacher Education
French Language And Literature
General Studies
German Language And Literature
Gerontological Services
Graphic Design Commercial Art And Illustration
Health And Physical Education General
History General
Home Economics General
Horticulture Science
Humanities / Humanistic Studies
Individual And Family Development Studie
Industrial / Manufacturing Engineering
Industrial Design
Industrial Productuction Technologies / Technician
Interior Design General
International Relations And Affairs
Italian Language And Literature
Japanese Language And Literature
Latin American Studies
Law And Legal Studies Other
Law Llb Jd
Liberal Arts And Sciences / Liberal Studies
Management Information Systems And Business Data
Mathematical Statistics
Mechanical Engineering
Microbiology / Bacteriology
Middle Eastern Studies
Molecular Biology
Multi / Interdisciplinary Studies Other
Music General
Music General Performance
Music Teacher Education
Music Theory And Composition
Nursing Rn Training
Organizational Behavior Studies
Parks Recreation And Leisure Facilities
Physical Education Teaching And Coaching
Physics General
Political Science And Government General
Portuguese Language And Literature
Psychology General
Public Administration
Public Relations
Radio And Television Broadcasting
Russian Language And Literature
School Psychology
Science Teacher Education General
Secondary Teacher Education
Social Studies Teacher Education
Social Work
Spanish Language And Literature
Special Education General
Special Education Other
Speech Language Pathology
Teaching English As A Second Language
Technical Theater / Theater Design
Technology / Industrial Arts Teacher
Visual And Performing Arts General
Voice And Choral / Opera Performance
Zoology General