Health System / Health Services Administration

We found 243 schools offering "Health System / Health Services Administration" degree programs in the U.S.

>> See all 243 Health System / Health Services Administration Colleges in the U.S.

Most Popular Health System / Health Services Administration Schools

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Minneapolis, MN  |  Total Enrollment: 45481

Degrees Offered: One but less than two years, Two but less than 4 years, Bachelor's, Postbaccalaureate certificate, Master's, Post-Masters certificate, Doctor's, First-professional degree
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL  |  Total Enrollment: 45114

Degrees Offered: Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's, Post-Masters certificate, Doctor's, First-professional degree, First-professional certificate
Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
Tempe, AZ  |  Total Enrollment: 44126

Degrees Offered: Bachelor's, Postbaccalaureate certificate, Master's, Doctor's, First-professional degree
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Madison, WI  |  Total Enrollment: 40658

Degrees Offered: Bachelor's, Postbaccalaureate certificate, Master's, Post-Masters certificate, Doctor's, First-professional degree
Pennsylvania State University - Main Campus
University Park, PA  |  Total Enrollment: 40571

Degrees Offered: Less than one year, One but less than two years, Associate's, Two but less than 4 years, Bachelor's, Postbaccalaureate certificate, Master's, Doctor's
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, MI  |  Total Enrollment: 38103

Degrees Offered: Bachelor's, Postbaccalaureate certificate, Master's, Post-Masters certificate, Doctor's, First-professional degree
University of Washington - Seattle Campus
Seattle, WA  |  Total Enrollment: 36139

Degrees Offered: Bachelor's, Postbaccalaureate certificate, Master's, Doctor's, First-professional degree, First-professional certificate
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL  |  Total Enrollment: 35561

Degrees Offered: Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's, Post-Masters certificate, Doctor's, First-professional degree
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ  |  Total Enrollment: 34488

Degrees Offered: Bachelor's, Master's, Post-Masters certificate, Doctor's, First-professional degree
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL  |  Total Enrollment: 33713

Degrees Offered: Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's, Post-Masters certificate, Doctor's

Browse All 243 Colleges With Health System / Health Services Administration Programs

Title City State Enrollment
Alvernia College Reading PA 1574
Anna Maria College Paxton MA 1255
Appalachian State University Boone NC 13227
Arcadia University Glenside PA 2736
Argosy University - Chicago Chicago IL 590
Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus Tempe AZ 44126
Arkansas State University - Main Campus State University AR 10429
Assumption College Worcester MA 2754
Auburn University Main Campus Auburn University AL 21860
Augustana College Sioux Falls SD 1783
Baker College of Auburn Hills Auburn Hills MI 1910
Baker College of Cadillac Cadillac MI 864
Baker College of Clinton Township Clinton Township MI 2559
Baker College of Flint Flint MI 3896
Baker College of Jackson Jackson MI 1027
Baker College of Muskegon Muskegon MI 2727
Baker College of Owosso Owosso MI 1905
Baker College of Port Huron Port Huron MI 1230
Barry University Miami FL 8650
Baylor University Waco TX 13719
Blue Cliff College - Metairie Metairie LA 140
Boise State University Boise ID 16287
Boston University Boston MA 28318
Bowling Green State University - Main Campus Bowling Green OH 18096
Broward Community College Fort Lauderdale FL 27389
Bryant University Smithfield RI 3373
California Lutheran University Thousand Oaks CA 2766
California State University - Long Beach Long Beach CA 30918
California State University - Los Angeles Los Angeles CA 19593
California State University - San Bernardino San Bernardino CA 14909
Calumet College of Saint Joseph Whiting IN 975
Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant MI 26845
Century University Albuquerque NM 921
Chapman University Orange CA 4353
Chapman University - University College Orange CA 6145
Clark University Worcester MA 2910
Clarkson College Omaha NE 401
Clemson University Clemson SC 17465
College of Our Lady of the Elms Chicopee MA 782
College of Saint Elizabeth Morristown NJ 1771
College of Southern Idaho Twin Falls ID 5452
Concordia College at Moorhead Moorhead MN 2826
Concordia University Portland OR 1040
Concordia University - Ann Arbor Ann Arbor MI 604
Concordia University - Wisconsin Mequon WI 4603
Cornell University - NY State Statutory Colleges Ithaca NY 8083
Creighton University Omaha NE 6237
Dallas Baptist University Dallas TX 4032
Davenport University Grand Rapids MI 2322
Davenport University - Eastern Region - Dearborn Dearborn MI 3158
Davenport University - Eastern Region - Warren Warren MI 2561
Davenport University - Western Region - Kalamazoo Kalamazoo MI 1207
David N Myers University Cleveland OH 1227
Davis & Elkins College Elkins WV 668
Denver Technical College Denver CO 814
Denver Technical College at Colorado Springs Colorado Springs CO 470
Des Moines Area Community College Ankeny IA 10998
Desales University Center Valley PA 2549
Duquesne University Pittsburgh PA 9667
East Central Community College Decatur MS 2291
East Tennessee State University Johnson City TN 11063
Eastern Kentucky University Richmond KY 13285
Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti MI 23561
Eastern Washington University Cheney WA 8597
Essex County College Newark NJ 8868
Fairmont State University Fairmont WV 6496
Ferris State University Big Rapids MI 9847
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Tallahassee FL 12126
Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton FL 21046
Florida International University Miami FL 31945
Four - D College Colton CA 179
Framingham State College Framingham MA 5763
Franklin University Columbus OH 5083
Gannon University Erie PA 3377
Gardner - Webb University Boiling Springs NC 3194
George Washington University Washington DC 20527
Georgia Institute of Technology - Main Campus Atlanta GA 14805
Georgia State University Atlanta GA 23625
Golden Gate University - San Francisco San Francisco CA 5322
Harding University Searcy AR 4337
Harris - Stowe State University Saint Louis MO 1835
Hastings College Hastings NE 1130
Houston Baptist University Houston TX 2673
Howard Payne University Brownwood TX 1480
Idaho State University Pocatello ID 13040
Indian Hills Community College Ottumwa IA 3615
Indiana University - Northwest Gary IN 4649
Indiana University - Purdue University - Indianapolis Indianapolis IN 27525
Inver Hills Community College Inver Grove Heights MN 4304
Iowa Lakes Community College Estherville IA 2743
Jackson State University Jackson MS 6820
Jefferson College of Health Sciences Roanoke VA 508
Johns Hopkins University Baltimore MD 17774
Johnson & Wales University Providence RI 9172
Johnson State College Johnson VT 1527
Keiser College Pembroke Pines Pembroke Pines FL No Data
Kirtland Community College Roscommon MI 1307
Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College Hayward WI 489
Lipscomb University Nashville TN 2528
Lynn University Boca Raton FL 2034
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